Monday, December 22, 2008

R.I.P Isaiah Stroud

Crag why in the hell you tryin' to make it seem like freaky got killed of gangbangin' he got killed cause people hated him so stop fukkin liein'


  1. Probably if he was doing well people would be envious, sure. Did you know that they think envy might be the most powerful emotion that people have? It frequently causes thoughts of wanting to harm the person who is envied. That's pretty weird. Why would people want to harm someone who is doing better than temselves? But they do. We all have those thoughts. It's hard to deal with them when you are young. If you understand that it's natural to have thougts like that you don't have to feel bad about having them. It doesn't make people bad for having them. Really, if you are smart about it, envy can be a powerful motivator to better YOURSELF. That's what smart people do. You can read about envy. Back in the old days, there were youth gangs that wanted to better themselves and their communities. It degenerated into the bullshit we have today.

    Anyway, it's cool if you want to blog. If you are asking the question why, that's a pretty good start. What's your story? Do you have an opinion about hating? It's envy. Read about it, it's interesting. Wikipedia is a good place to start.

  2. I Want TO School With Isaiah Every One Love Him
    It Just Worng That He Is Gone.Im Gonna Miss Him And I Feel Sad That His Son dont Have A Dad To look Up To And Help Him Be Come A Man

  3. I Went TO School With Isaiah Every One Love Him
    It Just Worng That He Is Gone.Im Gonna Miss Him And I Feel Sad That His Son dont Have A Dad To look Up To And Help Him Be Come A Man
